Small, poor, and self-reliant - a new name for the Swaziland
We know e-commerce and e-mail, but what is eSwatini? If King Mswati's III will is being followed, this is going to be the new name of his kingdom. And as the last absolutistic monarch in Africa, he does not have to wait for his parliament's approval. It would be sufficient to pronounce the renaming during the festivities for the 50th anniversary of the independence of the United Kingdom by the end of April.
The present name Swaziland might have reminded the almost 1.4 mio inhabitants of the former protectorate too much of colonial times. The Swazis' autonomy of South Africa had been guaranteed by the British in the early 19th century already, but the continuous changes in power conditions during the Boer wars led to new dependencies for the Swazi tribe.
Now, they want to better remember their tribe traditions that also have their expression in the coat of arms and the national flag. A lion and an elefant hint at the African continent. The blue-yellow-red flag shows a traditional, painted shield with spears and leaf ornaments. As a travel goal, the state is especially known for its culture festivals and the wild animal reserves with lions, elefants and hippopotami.
Now, they want to better remember their tribe traditions that also have their expression in the coat of arms and the national flag. A lion and an elefant hint at the African continent. The blue-yellow-red flag shows a traditional, painted shield with spears and leaf ornaments. As a travel goal, the state is especially known for its culture festivals and the wild animal reserves with lions, elefants and hippopotami.
Already five years after their independence from the United Kingdom, king Mswati's father abolished the parliament in 1973 and suspended the constitution. His son became ruler in 1986, four years after his father's death. He is not indisputable as he maintains an excessive lifestyle in the pauperized country. The population is predominantly Christian, the king, however, calls several wives his own.

The 50th anniversary of independence coincides with is 50th birthdiay. The official renaming may therefore also be a gift of the ruler to himself. He won't have thought about the costs of the change of name. Important governmental institutions have to be renamed as well as all official documents, plaques, treaties or web addresses.
The last of which will make Switzerland glad - avoiding the manifold confusion between Switzerland and the new eSwatini, former Swaziland.